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From the Ground Up is part self-study and part 1:1 support. The guided, self-paced process unfolds over 6 pre-recorded classes and 1:1 zoom check-ins with me.
Ideal for folx with injury histories, fear of movement, and/or dissociative experiences with embodiment, who are seeking more bodymind connection in their physical activities. Through this 3 month process we build a deeper relationship to the sensations within our bodies that arise during physical activity and exercise to cultivate trust, confidence, and pleasure in our physicality.
Is it the right program for you? Here are some ways to assess:
• You love to feel physically able in your favorite activities, but experience muscle inflammation, joint hypermobility, and/or emotional/sensory dysregulation (perhaps from past trauma and/or other neurodivergence) when challenging your physicality that feels like it is constantly setting you back in your process
• You used to find things came easily/natural to your body in younger years, but now all the random aches and pains make it scary to do physical activities and the fear of injury is battling the desire to learn new movement skills
• You never found that movement came very easily, and actually doing movement makes you mentally dissociate, creating a loop where you desire a more trusting connection to your body and a more dynamic, embodied physicality, but don't know how to do that at this point in adulthood
• Most fitness and exercise contexts feel ableist and unwelcoming, and you're not sure where to find something that can meet you where you are and empower you to reclaim a positive experience of movement training.
• Does any of this sound like you? If so you might be a great addition to this growing community of folx reclaiming movement, repatterning the nervous system, and expanding physical capacities with strategies from fitness and applied neuroscience for movement rehab in a safe, trauma- sensitive context full of exploration, encouragement, accountability, and play.
What to Expect:
6 Pre-recorded Follow-Along MML Classes released bi-weekly (for you to keep forever!) Classes do require some home props. These are optional but helpful, and are chosen with accessibility in mind. They include yoga blocks, a large hardcover book, a firm chair, wall space, light/medium resistance bands, a pillow, etc
PDF and XLS versions of each class’s programming written out alongside suggested attentional cues for each movement (XLS version lets you add your own attentional cues and notes!)
2 30 minute 1:1 consultations with me, one at the beginning and one at the end of the 6 week series!
Optional: Prompts and support for personal written reflection
What alums say about From the Ground Up:
"MML From the Ground Up repatterned weeks of painful compensation. How? Detailed somatic movement training, breath cueing, and lots of delicious tracking... Thank you Nicki, love what you've developed." - Nicole Smith Levay
"I grew up doing a lot of sports, so I have a hard time not trying to give 110% every time. I always want to push myself hard; push past my limits, or I don't want to do it. This program has made me feel OK with pulling back and working at where I’m at. Instead of hearing what my body is saying and ignoring it and forcing myself to do more or push through pain I'm really listening to my body now. It's a much healthier approach. I can feel and see the changes both physically and in my goals. The progress I'm making is at a much healthier pace, and I feel like I'm finally working with my body instead of fighting it. This class has really changed how I look at and approach things. Working with Nicki has really been the thing that has helped me continue to do the physical activities I enjoy in a healthier and more sustainable way."- Jessica S.
“Participating in From the Ground Up has been a watershed moment in building a healthier relationship to my body. It has helped me shift my perspective on past injuries and set me on a path of discovering a more embodied way of moving through the world. My engagement with Nicki Miller's programming began with wanting to get my splits as the main goal, before I realized that Nicki's expertise, compassion and dedication could help me reestablish a connection to my body on such a profound level. Rather than focusing on what movement looked like, I was instead able to focus on what it felt like, and in the process essentially learned a whole new approach to breathing, injury prevention, flexibility and strength-building. I found that she is able to work with people of a wide variety of movement backgrounds and experiences, and is not only a wonderful artist and movement teacher, but also a healer. I will jump at the chance to take more of her courses in the future!” - Alexandra S.